Friday, April 9, 2010

ADF Code Bits Index

Bit #1 - Adding Javascript to a template definition
The proper way to add scripting to a template definition is to add it in a <af:resource> tag of type javascript. This tag resides anywhere inside the template defition tag <af:pageTemplateDef>. Adding scripting to the template definition in any other way, for example by placing it inside a <script> tag, will produce undesired effects related to resizing of components within the template. Example...

Bit #2 - Setting a bind variable value programmatically
To set the value of a bind variable programmatically, you will need to first get the View Object where the bind variable is defined. Then from the View Object you need to get access to the VariableValueManager via the call ensureVariableManager(). Finally you need to call setVariableValue() on the VariableValueManager to set the bind variable to a specific value. Once all these are done ... Example...      

Bit #3 - Adding Javascript to a JSPX page
The recommended way to add scripting to your JSPX page is via the metaContainer <facet> tag. You add the metaContainer <facet> within the <af:document> tag. You can group your scripts within the metaContainer <facet> using an <af:group> tag. The actual script should be added within an <afh:script> or a <trh:script> tag. Adding Javascript to your JSPX page by ... Example...

Bit #4 - Iterating a View Object using a secondary RowSetIterator
The recommended way to iterate a View Object is via a secondary RowSetIterator returned after calling createRowSetIterator() on the View Object. It is suggested to call reset() on the RowSetIterator before iterating it. This will move the currency to the slot before the first row. Iterate while calling hasNext() to check for next row availability and subsequently by calling ... Example...

Bit #5 - Accessing a resource bundle from a backing bean
You can access a resource bundle from a backing by calling the getResourceBundle() method on a javax.faces.application.Application object and specifying the bundle name. You get the Application object by calling getApplication() on the FacesContext. The getResourceBundle() returns a ResourceBundle object. To get some ... Example...

Bit #6 - Removing all rows from a View Object
To remove all rows from a View Object programmatically - i.e. clear or reset the View Object, call its executeEmptyRowSet() method. You can do this anywhere in the context of the Application Module or View Object ImplementationExample...

Bit #7 - Reseting the View Criteria associated with a View Object
To reset the View Criteria defined for a specific View Object, first you will need to retrieve the View Criteria from the View Object. You do this by calling the View Object method getViewCriteria() specifying the name of the View Criteria. This method will return a ViewCriteria object. Proceed with removing the criteria from the View Object by calling ... Example...

Bit #8 - Executing an operation binding programmatically from a backing bean
To access an OperationBinding in a backing bean, call getOperationBinding() on the DCBindingContainer - the data control binding container - and specify the operation binding identifier that you assigned to the operation during the declarative binding process. Once you have the OperationBinding call its execute() method to execute it. If you need to pass any arguments to the operation .... Example...

Bit #9 - Controlling the updatability of View Object attributes programmatically
The updatability of a View Object attribute can be controlled programmatically via the isAttributeUpdateable() method. When you look at its documentation, the declarative precedence that determines the attribute updatability should become clear. Programmatically, you override this method in your View Object Implementation Java file that you ... Example...

Bit #10 - Selectively enabling Partial Page Rendering programmatically
You can selectively enable Partial Page Rendering (PPR) programmatically from a backing bean, by calling the AdfFacesContext method addPartialTarget(). To do so, simply bind the target component to the backing bean, get the AdfFacesContext and call its addPartialTarget() method passing the bound component as a parameter. This will in effect rerender the ... Example...

Bit #11 - Accessing an object stored at the PageFlowScope from a backing bean
You can access the PageFlowScope from a backing bean, by getting the AdfFacesContext instance and calling its getPageFlowScope() method. This will return the Map of all objects stored in the PageFlowScope. To retrieve a specific object, call get() on the Map specifying the object identifier. Similarly, call the getViewScope() and getProcessScope() methods of the ... Example...

Bit #12 - Accessing the authenticated user's security roles from a backing bean
To access the authenticated user's security roles from a backing bean, first retrieve the SecurityContext from the current ADFContext instance and then call its getUserRoles() method. getUserRoles() returns a String array of all the roles defined for the user. To determine whether a specific role is assigned to the user, call the SecurityContext isUserInRole() method specifying the ... Example...

Bit #13 - Overriding create() to set the default value for a View Row attribute
One way to set the default value for a View Row attribute is to override its create() method in your custom View Row Implementation and call the attribute setter method to set its default value. Calling the attribute setter from inside the overridden create() method does not mark the new row as changed and it behaves like declaratively assigning a default value for the attribute. An example follows. Example...

Bit #14 - Using a Key to locate a Row in a View Object
Instead of iterating a View Object using a RowSetIterator - as described in Bit #4 - Iterating a View Object using a secondary RowSetIterator, you can locate a row directly using the ViewObject method findByKey(). This will work as long as you indicate a View Object attribute as a Key Attribute. To use this method ...  Example...

Bit #15 - Using a Key to locate a Row in a View Object, Pt. 2
Instead of using the findByKey() method to locate a number of rows in the View Object identified by a Key attribute - explained in Bit #14 - Using a Key to locate a Row in a View Object, you can use the View Object getRow() method supplying the Key as an argument. This method will return the Row identified by the Key supplied as an argument to it. Example...

Bit #16 - Removing a row from a query collection without deleting it from the database
There are times when you want to remove a row from a query collection (the query result) without actually removing it from the database. The query collection - oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection - gets popullated each time the View is executed - when the View's associated query is run, and represents the query result. While the Row.remove() will remove... Example...

Bit #17 - Using the securityContext bean in a JSF page
To acess the user's authentication information from within a JSF page, use the securityContext bean and any of its available methods. For instance, using Expression Language (EL), the following will return true/false indicating whether the user is authenticated or not: #{securityContext.authenticated}. Similarly, ... Example...

Bit #18 - Dynamically changing the View Object's query WHERE clause
You can dynamically change the View Object's (VO) query WHERE clause by overriding the buildWhereClause() VO method. When doing so, ensure that you call the base class' buildWhereClause() first, to let the framework do its processing before making your own changes. The StringBuffer parameter that is passed to the method is the complete query SQL statement. Do your changes directly onto it. When done, make sure that ... Example...

Bit #19 - Downloading a file
Use an af:fileDownloadActionListener Rich Faces component to download data from the server to a client machine. Add the listener inside the component that will initiate the download, an af:commandButton for example, and specify the content type and the name of the file. Also specify a method in a backing bean that will be called to perform the download. In the backing bean method get the formated data to be saved from the model and use the supplied OutputStream to write the data. Example...

Bit #20 - Overriding beforeCommit() to execute custom code before commit
Override the Application Module beforeCommit() method in your custom Application Module implementation class to execute any custom code that depends on data already posted to the database. Such code may include - but not limited to - validations done in the database via a stored procedure for example. The framework calls this method after doDML() which means that posted data is available but not yet committed. Example...

Bit #21 - Overriding prepareSession() to do session-specific initializations
You can override prepareSession() in your custom Application Module class to do session-specific initializations, such as invoking a stored procedure to initialize the database state for the specific user, store user information, set application-wide configuration parameters based on the user and so on. Example...

Bit #22 - Using getPostedAttribute() to determine the posted attribute's value
Call getPostedAttribute() anywhere in your Entity Object implementation class to retrieve the posted value of an Entity attribute. The example below calls getPostedAttribute() and getAttribute() to determine the attribute value in the database (posted) and in the Entity cache (not posted yet) respectively. They are called from within an overridden doDML(). Example...

Bit #23 - Using findAndSetCurrentRowByKey() to set the View Object currency
You can set the currency on a View Object (VO) by calling its findAndSetCurrentRowByKey() method. The method accepts two arguments: a Key object that is used to locate the row in the VO and an integer indicating the range position of row (for VOs configured with Range Paging Access Mode). Example...

Bit #24 - Displaying Application Module Pool Statistics
You can display statistics related to your Application Module Pools by calling dumpPoolStatistics() on a oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPool object. You can acquire an ApplicationPool object by calling getResourcePool() on a oracle.jbo.common.ampool.PoolMgr object and specifying the name of the application module pool name. Example...

Bit #25 - Hiding a View Criteria item based on some condition
You can hide or show a View Criteria item (i.e. a criterion), based on some business logic condition by calling setProperty() on an oracle.jbo.ViewCriteriaItem. The method accepts a ViewCriteriaItemHints parameter indicating the view criteria item property to set - in this case CRITERIA_RENDERED_MODE - and a second... Example...

Bit #26 - Overriding getAttributeDef() to conditionally set an attribute property
You can override ViewObjectImpl's getAttributeDef() method to update an attribute setting, control hint or a custom property. getAttributeDef() is called by the framework each time the attribute's definition needs to be accessed, for example prior to opening an af:query search dialog. In such a case, this may be the ideal place to set a conditional queryable property for example. The argument that is passed to the method indicates the index of the attribute being accessed. You modify... Example...

Bit #27 - Setting a View Object attribute's Queryable property
Expanding on Bit #26 - Overriding getAttributeDef() to conditionally set an attribute property, you can set a View Object's attribute queryable property simply by calling setQueriable() on its ViewAttributeDefImpl. As explained in Bit #26, you can get the AttributeDef attribute definition by calling getAttributeDef() and passing the attribute index as a parameter. In order to call any of the attribute set...() methods, you will have to cast the AttributeDef interface to an ViewAttributeDefImpl implementation. By the way, did you know that... Example...

Bit #28 - Using findDefObject() to load a BC definition object from its metadata XML
If you ever thought of parsing any of the ADF Business Components (BC) metadata XML files for the sake of extracting various metadata information, you might want to think twice. The ADF framework offers higher level APIs to do this routine job. Case in point: take a look at the findDefObject() methods available in a number of definition classes such as oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl and oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl for example. By calling this method, the metadata is parsed and loaded for you into the corresponding EntityDefImpl or ViewDefImpl. Neat! Then extracting metadata information is as easy as... Example...

Bit #29 - Dynamically configure ADF trace logs in WebLogic
ADF-specific logging can be dynamically configured in WebLogic via the wlst script. Ensure that you run the wlst script that is located in oracle common directory (and not the one in the WebLogic server home). Then connect to the administration server and use the setLogLevel() command to change the appropriate logger's level. To configure Business Components logs specify oracle.jbo as the logger. Similarly... Example...

Bit #30 - Displaying the current row on an af:table
You can display the current record number as you navigate an af:table by using certain information available on the table's iterator binding, namely the currentRowIndexInRange and rangeStart attributes. The current row can be calculated by the following EL expression: #{bindings.Iterator.rangeStart+bindings.Iterator.currentRowIndexInRange+1}, where Iterator is the bound iterator identifier. We add one because row index is 0-based. You will need to surround the af:table with an af:panelCollection and use one its facets - I suggest using the secondaryToolbar facet - to add an af:toolbar with an...Example...

Bit #31 - Making an Entity object read-only
There are a few different ways to make an Entity object read-only, both declaratively in JDeveloper or programmatically via the ADF Business Components API. One that is suggested in OTN thread is to change in the Entity's General section the Entity's Updatable property from true (the default) to false. This property...Example...

Bit #32 - Locating a component on the client
To locate a component on the client side of an ADF Faces application use any of the AdfUIComponent.findComponent() or AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId() methods. Both of these methods accept the component's identifier. The difference between the two is that while AdfUIComponent.findComponent() accepts a relative expression representing the component identifier, AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId() expects an absolute expression for the component's identifier. Absolute expressions...Example...

Bit #33 - Using custom client attributes
To use a custom client attribute for an ADF Faces component use an af:clientAttribute component as a child component of that component and specify the name and value of the custom attribute. Then use the JavaScript AdfUIComponent.getProperty() method to retrieve the property value at runtime on the client. Note that custom client attributes...Example...

Bit #34 - Using JavaScript partitioning
JavaScript partitioning is the way ADF Faces partitions and delivers JavaScript code to the client. ADF Faces groups its ADF Faces components JavaScript code into so called features and then packages and delivers related features in so called JavaScript partitions. There are two files involved in the delivery of JavaScript partitions to the client: adf-js-features.xml and adf-js-partitions.xml. The first lists the JavaScript classes that make up a feature and its...Example...

Bit #35 - Using client behavior tags with ADF Faces
Partial page rendering (PPR) is supported in ADF Faces through the use of the partialTrigers attribute and the AdfFacesContext addPartialTarget() method. PPR however can also be achieved in ADF Faces applications using the JSF 2.0 client behavior API and the use of client behavior tags such as the f:ajax tag. This tag is added as a child tag to an ADF Faces component and allow for the execution of PPR in response to a component client event. The specifications of the f:ajax tag is shown below...Example...

Bit #36 - Preventing client UI input during server event processing
To prevent any client UI input during the server processing of an event use the AdfCustomEvent preventUserInput() method in your JavaScript client listener. Calling this method prior to queuing the event will display a glass pane covering the browser window and will prevent further user input until the server event processing is complete. To use this method in a client listener first construct an AdfCustomEvent and and then call preventUserInput() on it before calling queue() to...Example...

Bit #37 - Preventing client events from propagating to the server
ADF Faces client events, i.e. events delivered and implemented on the browser using JavaScript,  by default do propagate to the server. There night be cases however that you don't want this default propagation. For instance, consider an af:commandButton component that defines a clientListener but has no actionListener defined. In this case propagating the client event to the server would be unnecessary. To stop the client event from propagating to the server use...Example...

Bit #38 - Creating a custom ADF Faces client-side converter
You can create a custom ADF Faces client-side converter by ensuring that your converter class implements the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.convert.ClientConverter interface. This is done in addition to implementing the javax.faces.convert.Converter interface, which implements the custom converter on the server. To implement the ClientConverter interface you need to provide implementation for the getClientConversion() and getClientScript() methods. The getClientConversion() implementation should return...Example...

Bit #39 - Retrieving the current session id at the ADFBC layer
If you need to retrieve the current session identifier at the ADF Business Components layer, use the getId() method defined in the oracle.jbo.SessionContext interface. You can get the oracle.jbo.SessionContext interface by calling getCurrentSession() which is defined in the oracle.jbo.SessionContextManager interface. So, how do you get the oracle.jbo.SessionContextManager interface? Call any of the...Example...

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